テニスの決勝戦は 6 月に行なわれるの英語
- The tennis finals take place in June.
テニスの力: one's ability in tennis
チームを~との決勝戦に導く: lead a team to a final against
決勝戦: 決勝戦 けっしょうせん finals game of a tournament decision of a contest
雨のために決勝戦は明日に順延された: The final game was postponed until tomorrow on account of rain.
テニスのプロ: 1. tennis pro 2. tennis professional
テニスの古豪: 1. experienced tennis player 2. old hand at tennis
テニスの天才: tennis prodigy
テニスの打法: tennis stroke
最終戦は日曜日に行われる: The final match will be played on Sunday.
テニスのサーブ: tennis serve
テニスのネット: tennis net
テニスのフォーム: one's tennis form
テニスのルール: rules of tennis
テニスの上手な人: good tennis player
テニスの猛練習: intensive practice of tennis